Friday 20 February 2009

So what IS REALLY happening across the markets?

Interesting week this week as we wrap up – there appears to be genuine confusion and much scratching of the old grey hairs – and across the widest variety of sectors... could it be caused by some industries bottoming out of “the recession” and lifting quicker than others? Is the pioneering and dogged spirit that got us here pushing us forward inspite of the hurdles and the furrowed banking brow?

Of course, there are still lots of negatives around, lots of conversations of
“hunkering down”, still some major job loss fall outs... and yet... it's almost as if the snowdrops of opportunity are starting to shake off the cold snow and emerge. Albeit cautiously, perhaps a little slowly, but out there are still some signs of greenness (no pun intended). Evidence of planning, priming, gearing ready for action – and evidence that there is money burning a hole in some people’s pockets - but who don’t have their fingers on the right pulse spots to know where to spend it?

Give us a call if you are an investor wanting to jump into this space – we can point you in the direction of people who can put your money to good use!

Image by todd434

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